Further Welding Skills - Introduced and Demonstrated
Michael ComanDescription
– Welding a variety of different joints you may come across in your restoration, including those found in difficult positions.
– Deciding whether your welder is capable of welding thick metals.
– Putting theory to practice on our Peugeot 104.
– Choosing the right welder for you.
– Troubleshooting tips for common welding faults.
Welcome to Intermediate Welding from Skill Shack with Practical Classics. In this course, we'll cover welding different joints, including lap, butt, plug, T, and outside corner, how to weld in difficult positions, how to weld thick metal, putting all the theory into practice on a chassis outrigger, choosing the right welding machine, and selecting the right kit to get the best results, and expert troubleshooting tips for welding your classic. Welcome to Skill Shack with Practical Classics, my name's Danny Hopkins and I'm the editor of Practical Classics, and I'm here today in the Practical Classics workshop, with Michael Koman, who is the course tutor at Lead City College. He also runs his own restoration business, so there's nobody better qualified to teach us the intermediate skills of welding. Michael, what are you up to at the moment?
What have you been doing? Well, actually I've just finished teaching the students at the college all the stuff that we're gonna go through today. Oh, fantastic, you're gonna be up to speed then in that case Michael's going to be talking us through what we're doing. This is a course which carries on from the Basic Welding course, which is also available on Skill Shack, but what does this course involve? What are you gonna be doing?
We're gonna look in more detail at all the welding joints that you can come up against on your restoration project. So I'll go through them, show you how to perform those. We're gonna look at doing them in awkward positions as well, so upside down, maybe, and we're gonna look at welding some thicker material if you get chassis work or something, and we're gonna look at whether your welder can handle that work. That sounds fantastic. Okay, so if one of those classes appeals to you, then go back to the menu and click on it and away we go then, Mikey Thank you.
only got the introduction?